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Add item

To add an item to the inventory, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on “Settings” on the left side and click on the “Inventory” tab (Figure 1).
Figure 1
  1. Click on the“+” button to open “Inventory” modal (Figure 2).
Figure 2
  1. Enter the Product Name, Barcode, and Product Group, set the cost price and sales price, coin price, and poster (the poster size should be 160px by 240px) for the item, select tax, and click the “Submit” button. (Figure 3).
Figure 3
  1. If you want members to order items from the icafe client then check the “Available for client orders” check box.
  2. If you only want to sell from your POS or sell from reception then uncheck the “Available for client orders” check box.
  3. If you set sales price “0”, the item will not show on the client side shop.
  4. If you set a coin price, the item will show up in the client shop in the gifts category. Read more about coins at Game ranking.
  5. If you want to sell the item with both money and coins, just set values in sales price and coin price fields.
  6. The new item will be listed on the Inventory page.
  7. When added the stock will be 0, you need to add stock to be able to sell.